Title 1 Services
Title I is a federally funded program designed to assist students below grade level in reading and math.
The amount of funding is based on the number of students who qualify for free and reduced-price lunch. All Title I services and programming are supplemental to the regular classroom instruction.
Phone: 952-848-3900
Fax: 952-848-3901
Sandra Harley
Title 1 Coordinator
District Title I Parent Involvement Plan
The Edina Public Schools Title I Parental Involvement Plan is designed to meet state guidelines for parent involvement in Title I services.
Title 1 Staff
Title 1 services are available at Cornelia, Countryside and Creek Valley elementary schools. Parents have the right to request information about their teacher's professional qualifications. If you are interested in obtaining educational history and other qualifications, please contact Human Resources at 952-848-4905.