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Legislative Action Committee

The Edina School Board developed a non-partisan Legislative Action Committee (LAC) in Fall 2018 focused on issues impacting education in Minnesota and Edina Public Schools, specifically.

The LAC has set the following goals:

  • To develop and propose legislative positions to the School Board, designed to advance Edina Public School’s mission;
  • To inform and publicize approved legislative positions and proposed actions to the Board and community;
  • To coordinate advocacy efforts throughout the District; and
  • To advocate to state and federal legislators for positions identified by the LAC and approved by the Board.

Join the LAC Mailing List

Get Involved

photo of 2024-25 LAC members

Pictured left to right – Row 1: Regina Loria-Procel, Sebastian Kushins; Row 2: Jody Remsing, Anuska Narielwala, Mihi Amara, Angela Langsweirdt, Mina Bhargava; Row 3: Cheryl Barry, Abdurahman Mohamed, Maggie Salmen, Layla Scoll, Suhana Suthaharan, Nasteha Abdiaziz; Row 4: Dan Arom, Dr. Stacie Stanley, Helen Chu, Hannah Hein, Polly Bowles, Aditi Jha. Not Pictured: Alvi Buzar Barua, Michael Hart, George Rerat, Carol Syvertsen.

2024-25 LAC Members

The 2024-2025 LAC includes administration representation in collaboration with Board Member representation, plus students and members of the community:

Dan Arom
Chair, Board Member

Cheryl Barry
Board Member

Dr. Stacie Stanley

Jody Remsing
Director of Student Support Services

Polly Bowles
LAC Department Specialist

Michael Hart
Community Member

Carol Syvertsen
Community Member

Mina Bhargava
12th grade EHS student

Angela Langsweirdt
12th grade EHS student

Regina Loria-Procel
12th grade EHS student

George Rerat
12th grade EHS student

Maggie Salmen
12th grade EHS student

Mihi Amara
11th grade EHS student

Alvi Buzar Barua
11th grade EHS student

Helen Chu
11th grade EHS student

Hannah Hein
11th grade EHS student

Anushka Narielwala
11th grade EHS student

Nasteha Abdiaziz
10th grade EHS student

Aditi Jha
10th grade EHS student

Abdurahman Mohamed
10th grade EHS student

Suhana Suthaharan
10th grade EHS student

Sebastian Kushins
9th grade EHS student

Layla Scoll
9th grade EHS student

The LAC Lead Team works in partnership to support legislative advocacy through legislative priority development and Board approval, presentations to legislators, participation in committee meetings, and overall communication support efforts of LAC activities and events.

Meetings and Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13
Friday, February 14
Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16
Monday, February 17
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, February 19
Subscribe to Alerts LAC Committee Meeting
Edina Community Center, Room 166
Thursday, February 20
Friday, February 21
Saturday, February 22
Sunday, February 23
Monday, February 24
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26
Thursday, February 27
Friday, February 28
Saturday, March 1

2024 Legislative Platform

The 2024 Legislative Platform was adopted by the school board on January 8, 2024.

Note: The board is currently determining the district’s legislative priorities for 2025. A new platform is expected to be released shortly after Jan. 6, 2025.

1. Increase mental health support for students and staff

  • Provide funding to hire additional support staff and develop programming resources to address the mental health needs of students and staff; and
  • Increase statewide capacity to provide intensive mental health services for children and youth experiencing mental health crises.

2. Strengthen and support special education programs

  • Increase efficiencies to reduce special education paperwork requirements to allow teachers to spend more time with students;
  • Enact efforts to find solutions that address the growing shortage of special education para support throughout Minnesota districts; and
  • Fully fund the IDEA Act (federal).

3. Stabilize education funding

  • Increase basic formula allowance for FY25 by an additional 2% to create a permanent funding stream related to inflation (4% total in FY25) and to offset funding pressures related to new programs adopted in the 2023 legislative session; and
  • Increase Local Optional Revenue to $920 per pupil to recover ground lost to inflation and link it to the basic formula.

4. Ensure safe, modern school facilities

  • Increase the Safe Schools levy and state aid to allow school districts and intermediate school districts to address and fund 21st century brick and mortar, plus cyber security needs.

5. Increase and diversity workforce

  • Remove barriers and provide incentives to address the shortage of substitute teachers, school bus drivers, paraprofessionals, and other staff;
  • Continue to expand programs and incentives to attract, develop, and retain teachers of color; and
  • Maintain multiple pathways to licensure in the tiered licensing system.

6. Prioritize student-centered learning through enhanced local-decision making

  • Honor local control and inherent managerial rights for elected school boards best positioned to work with students, staff, parents, and community to address local needs and challenges.

News & Updates

LAC Logo

Contact Us

Legislative Action Committee

Legislator Contacts

Each legislator shared their contact information inviting questions or feedback.

Senator Ron Latz
Email Form
(651) 297-8065

Senator Alice Mann
Email Form
(651) 296-6238

Rep. Cheryl Youakim
(651) 296-9889

EPS board room