School calendar planning process begins
This fall, a committee composed of parents, staff and administrators will begin developing academic calendars for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years. The academic calendar establishes student days and workshop days for employees, as well as start and end dates for the school year, and dates and length of breaks.
Calendar development is guided by state statutes, district work agreements, and the learning needs of students. Operations efficiencies and effective use of resources are also considerations. The calendar process will include opportunity for input from staff and families through a survey in late September.
The committee will review input, parameters provided by state requirements and the School Board, and the academic calendars of neighboring districts to develop several calendar options for each of the next two academic years. Calendar options are expected to be presented to the School Board in November, with approval by the Board tentatively expected in December.
Watch for more information to come about how to provide input to the calendar process.