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Filing window for School Board candidates is July 30 through Aug. 13

Aerial view of Kuhlman stadium with water tower in foreground.
Filing window for School Board candidates is July 30 through Aug. 13

The filing period for Edina School Board candidates is July 30 through Aug. 13. An Affidavit of Candidacy must be filed at the Edina Public Schools District Office within that period of time.

Voters in the Edina school district will elect three members to the School Board this fall as the terms of Amir Gharbi, Sarah Patzloff and Leny Wallen-Friedman expire in early January 2020. The Edina School Board is made up of seven citizens who are elected at large by voters residing in the school district. Members are elected to four-year overlapping terms, with elections held every two years. At the end of a four-year term, members may run for re-election to successive terms. Terms begin the first Monday in January after the election.

Beginning July 30, interested candidates can pick up a packet of information and the Affidavit of Candidacy at the Welcome Center, located on the first floor of the Edina Community Center (inside Door 3). The completed and notarized Affidavit of Candidacy must be returned to the Welcome Center by Aug. 13. Candidates have until the end of day Aug. 15 to withdraw their affidavit, removing themselves as a candidate. The slate of School Board candidates will be posted on the district website on Aug. 16. For interim information, visit this Minnesota Secretary of State web page.

Welcome Center hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except Aug. 13, when the office will remain open until 5 p.m.).

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

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