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Edina Public Schools MCA Test results show growth

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Edina Public Schools MCA Test results show growth

Edina Public Schools students saw upward year-over-year gains in the state in mathematics and reading and maintained its proficiency level in science in the recently-released Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs). These scores are on par with other neighboring, high-performing districts and well exceed state results. The MCAs are state tests in reading, mathematics, and science that are used to meet federal and state legislative requirements. 

Notably, significant gains were made in Math in 5th grade, with scores up 6.2%; 7th grade realized a gain of 6.6%,  and 11th grade saw an increase of 6.2%.

The most significant gain was made in 10th grade reading, where scores increased by a staggering 13.7%.

“I am pleased to see that the efforts of our teachers and administrators are making a difference as we continue to recover from impacts of the pandemic,” shared Dr. Stacie Stanley, Superintendent. “We are grateful for the vision of the Edina School Board and financial support of Edina Education Fund.”

District leaders have recognized the importance of reading and reinvested in teaching and learning over the past 12 months. Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) is a professional development opportunity rooted in the science of reading that trains teachers to be language and literacy experts. The first cohort of Edina teachers completed LETRS training this summer. In all, each kindergarten through second grade teacher will be trained in LETRS by the end of the 24-25 school year. All third grade teachers will complete the training by the end of next year as well. Forth and fifth grade teachers will complete Aspire training, the intermediate level version of LETRS. In addition to teaching staff, Pre-K teachers, school administrators, speech pathologists, special education teachers, and multilingual teachers will also complete LETRS training. This has all been made possible through the support of the Edina Education Fund and our school board. 

Edina MDE Report Card

Quick facts:

  • 70.1% of students were proficient in mathematics 

  • 74.1% were proficient in reading 

  • 63.1% were proficient in science*

Highlights for math:

  • 5th grade students had a 6.2% increase from 2021-22 → 2022-23 in MCA Math Proficiency vs 1.23% increase across the state.

  • HS, Grade 11, has seen a 6.10 Increase in MCA Math Proficiency during the Post Covid time, 2020-21 → 2022-23 

  • 7th grade students saw a 6.64% increase in MCA Math Proficiency from 2021-22 → 2022-23.

  • All secondary grade levels saw an increase whereas the state remained relatively flat.

  • 3% increase from 2021-22 → 2022-23 for our students who identify as Black / African American vs a .06% increase at the state level.

  • 4.65% increase in Math for our students who identify as White.

  • EPS Special Education students had a 1% increase in MCA Math Proficiency versus  the state which  had almost a 2% decrease.

  • 7.36% Increase from 2021-22 → 2022-23 in MCA Math Proficiency for our students who qualify for Free / Reduced Priced Meals (FRPM) vs a 2.72% increase at the state level

Highlights for reading:

  • 4% Increase in MCA Reading Proficiency for our 4th grade students.

  • Significant jump, 13.69%  in 10th Grade MCA Reading Proficiency (after implementing a grading incentive offered at Edina High School during the 2022-23 School Year).

  • EPS Percent proficient on the MCA Reading assessment is almost 20 points higher than the state.

  • 3.5% increase from 2021-22 → 2022-23 in MCA Reading Proficiency for our students who qualify for Free / Reduced Priced Meals (FRPM) 

Highlights for science:

  • Our EPS Special Ed students showed a strong 4.06% increase in MCA Science Proficiency from 2021-22 → 2022-23 and are above where they were coming out of COVID.

  • A very solid 3.9% increase in MCA Science Proficiency for our students who qualify for Free / Reduced Priced Meals (FRPM) 

  • Our students who qualify for Free / Reduced Priced Meals (FRPM) have grown almost 20% points from the year immediately following COVID.

  • Slight Increases for grades 5 and HS students while taking Biology.

  • New Science curriculum roles out this fall

Reading and mathematics tests are administered in grades 3–8 and high school (students in grade 10 take the Reading MCA, and students in grade 11 take the Mathematics MCA). The Science MCA is administered to students in grades 5, 8 and 10.

*Source: Minnesota Department of Education