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Student Assessment

Students walking into school.

The Purpose of Assessment

  • Assessment of Learning is a summative measure of what a student has learned after instruction has ended, such as: unit test, mid-year exam, final exam.
  • Assessment for Learning is a formative measure of what the student already knows and does not know, so the teacher may plan future instruction accordingly.
  • Assessment as Learning occurs when the assessment is the learning activity, such as the a capstone project, an activity or project that is designed to also be a measure of learning. These are also known as performance assessments and typically include a scoring rubric.

2023-2025 EPS Assessment Plan

Standardized Tests given in Edina Public Schools:

Student Participation in Statewide Assessments

Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.31, subdivision 4a, requires the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) to publish a form for parents/guardians to complete if they refuse to have their student participate in state-required standardized assessments.

The Parent/Guardian Guide to Statewide Testing document provides some basic information to help parents/guardians make informed decisions that benefit their child and their school and community. The form to meet this legislative requirement is available at the link below and must be submitted to the office of the Director of Research and Evaluation.

More information about participation and refusals to test can be found in the Minnesota Department of Education’s Statewide Testing webpage.

Statewide Testing