Student Meal Accounts
Making a Payment
If you need assistance making a payment, please follow these instructions:
- Fee payment
Also, remember to sign up to receive low balance notifications via email -- you set the amount at which you want to receive the reminder. If your student has a negative balance in their lunch account, they will not be denied the ability to purchase food.
Contactless Transactions Preferred
Please deposit funds to student meal accounts using the above process. If you must, you may pay for meal accounts by check which can be dropped off at the school office -- lunchroom cashiers will not accept checks. Or you can mail checks to Food & Nutrition Services, Edina High School, 6754 Valley View Road, Edina, MN 55439. Checks to be split among several accounts must have allocation amount identified by student name and school. Make checks payable to ISD #273 Nutrition Program.
Meal Prices
Beginning on July 1, 2023, Edina joined the Minnesota Free School Meals Program. Under this program, all students are eligible to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch free each school day. To receive the free lunch, students must have three different food groups on their tray, with one of them being at least a ½ cup of fruit or vegetable. You do not need to complete an Application for Educational Benefits to receive this benefit, but we still encourage families to complete it because it is used to determine other benefits and helps the school qualify for educational funds and discounts. If your student wants to receive a second lunch, a second milk, an individual milk without a complete meal, or any other of our a-la-carte options, students will need to pay for these items through money in their lunch account.
Prices of a few à la carte items include:
- Milk: $0.70
- Second Meal: $5.00
- Adult Breakfast: $2.40
- Adult Lunch: $5.00
Managing Your Student Meal Account
When you log into Campus Parent, you will see a ‘My Cart’ and ‘My Accounts’ option under the Today, Fees or Food Service tab. These two features offer the following:
- My Cart: Pay fees and add money to Food Service account(s) with one seamless transaction (simply add all payments to your cart and checkout).
- My Accounts: Manage payment methods, recurring payments, payment history and optional payments from one convenient location.
Action Items
- Please log into Campus Parent to enter your payment methods and/or recurring payments.