Distribution of Materials on School District Property
by Non-district Persons or Organizations
Edina Public Schools does not distribute informational flyers on behalf of non-school, non-district organizations. School Board Policy 904 specifies that we will not share materials considered a solicitation for goods or services and not requested by potential recipients.
Families may, however, receive information about activities occurring at school, school district programs and events, or other school-related news. Because some school sites do not distribute any paper communication, the school’s digital newsletter will be the best source of that information. Please be sure to notify the principal’s office if you have no electronic access available to you.
Non-school organizations may share event information on the district’s digital Community Bulletin Board. To have an event posted on the bulletin board, the organization and/or event must meet the following criteria:
Be located within Edina Public School district boundaries.
Be related to the district’s educational mission.
We reserve the right to post or decline any material. To request posting on the Community Bulletin Board, send your information to comedu@edinaschools.org