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Three secondary students working together on laptops.

Academic Excellence

Access to comprehensive curriculum that assures Edina students are ready for the challenges and opportunities that await them

Two students smiling with a teacher while learning.

Positive Learning Environment

Whole student support means students feel safe physically and emotionally so they can grow academically, personally and socially

Three students giving a presentation.

Developing Leaders

Edina school leaders are students, parents and employees who are committed to innovation and continuous improvement

Five students holding hands in a circle.

Engaging Community

Opportunities and communication build strong partnerships throughout the community in support of Edina students
Group photo of EHS students.

Equitable, Inclusive Culture

We welcome, respect, support and value everyone, and the perspectives and contributions they bring to the school community

Portrait of a Well-Rounded Edina Graduate

Academically Prepared

Photo of South View teacher and students

Academically prepared students demonstrate strong foundational knowledge across a wide range of subjects including Reading, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics. They not only master these areas but also apply their learning to standards aligned with challenging and rich curricula. With this robust educational background, they are well-equipped to identify, understand, and solve complex issues. Read More

Globally Competent Individual

Teacher showing students countries on a map

Globally competent individuals possess a diverse and informed world perspective. They embrace individual and cultural diversity, and seek multicultural interactions. Some even effectively communicate in two or more world languages. Read More

Responsible, Engaged Citizen

Student volunteering with elderly

responsible and engaged citizen is someone who has a high level of integrity and ethical action. They work for the good of community. They are a person that is empathetic, compassionate, and open-minded. Accepting responsibility for oneself is an attribute of this competency. Read More

Effective Communicator and Collaborator

Student presenting on stage

An effective communicator and collaborator is effective as a listener, speaker, and as a writer. They have strong social and interpersonal skills and work as leaders and contributors in both academic and social settings. Read More

Innovative Thinker and Problem Solver

Students problem solving

An innovative thinker and problem solver is proficient in multiple literacies. They demonstrate intellectual curiosity by applying original solutions to problems or challenges. They can adapt to changing demands. Analyzing and evaluating information sources allows them to make informed choices. Read More

Motivated Life-long Learner

Student graduating

Motivated life-long learners understand their needs as a learner, persisting when faced with adversity, and setting personal learning goals. They value continuous learning and seek opportunities for growth. Read More



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Superintendent Search

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The Edina School Board has begun planning to hire our new superintendent, with the official search beginning in fall 2025.



2025-26 Kindergarten Enrollment

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Discover the wonders of kindergarten at EPS!



Edina School Board

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The Edina School Board is made up of seven citizens elected at large by voters in the District.


Strategic Plan

EPS Registrations
EPS is a dynamic learning community delivering educational excellence and preparing all students to realize their full potential.


News & Events

Defining Excellence

Edina Public Schools routinely receives accolades and awards for its programming.

Niche Award
Music Education
Common Sense
French Education
Special Olympics